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Our work

The Alliance projects the voices of our Members and supports greater information sharing between ACCOs. We have been effective in building a wide range of relationships and networks. These relationships provide a bridge between members, the Victorian Government and mainstream sector, helping to give ACCOs and Aboriginal communities a strong voice in key reforms to progress self-determination and improve outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people in Victoria.


The core roles and responsibilities of the VACYP Alliance are to:

  • Advocate for Aboriginal children to be heard, to be strong in their culture and to be safe and well

  • Advocate for Aboriginal children’s rights

  • Advocate for systemic change and improvement

  • Influence and inform government and the community sector on matters relating to legislation, policy, planning and service delivery

  • Strengthen partnerships, networking, and information sharing, building capacity of the sector

  • Monitor the implementation of government policies and programs

  • Identify funding and collaborative research opportunities

  • Engage and communicate key messages to stakeholders.


The wellbeing of Aboriginal children and families is our priority. Outcomes for our children and young people are achieved through Aboriginal self-determination, connection to culture and strong partnerships. As the peak, the Alliance’s priorities and functions change in response to the needs of our Members. 

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